Christmas party 2024

Alan receiving his award of the G2DPL Valve from Lynda


Times approx on the day dependent on traders. We will be having a couple of tables this year to exhibit our clubs activities and a SK sale.

Diodes – Geoff G8OFI

A friendly chat about diodes relative to the Amateur exams.

Tutorial night.

Starting about 19:30.

Committee Zoom meeting.

Starting at 8pm.

Transformers…Practicle Demo by Alan G4FZP.

Commencing at approx 19:30.

Social night.

A social night with the residents meeting commencing Seven o’clock.

Social night.

Just drop in and enjoy the evening from 7.30 onwards.

Resonance with Laurence G4KLT.

Add to your knowledge tonight with able assistance from Laurence.

The Magic Band by Don Field G3XTT

The Magic Band by Don Field G3XTT Don Field G3XTT will take us through the fascinating properties of the 6m Band which results in people calling it “The Magic Band“. The propagation properties of this band, as it is nestled… Continue Reading…

Club Night Natter for Bury Radio Society members

Club Night Natter for Bury Radio Society members We will have an opportunity to just generally get together, on Zoom, with our mugs or glasses at hand, to have a natter. So it’s mainly just for Bury Radio Society for… Continue Reading…