Christmas party 2024

Alan receiving his award of the G2DPL Valve from Lynda

The Direct Conversion Receiver.

Alan G4FZP is giving a talk on the direct conversion receiver. A must see for those taking their ham exams. Putting all the previous stuff into context.

Op Amps

An introduction to Opertional Amplifiers. Operational Amplifiers by Geoff G8OFI

Social Night.

A typical chat evening all welcome.

Social Night & Residents meeting.

A night for socialising along with the residents monthly meet.

Another Tutorial Night.

Another night to bring your questions to the club.

Prestwich Clough Day.

Times approximate awaiting confirmation.


Transistor theory and explanation by Geoff G8OFI

Tutorial Night

General chit chat about any queries you have.

Power Supplies.

Talk about power supplies by Geoff G8OFI.

Hollins Club meeting.

Starting at 19:00 until completion of business.